Imagine it. Science it.

Welcome to Science-it

Designed for creative thinkers, Science-it wants to challenge your imagination. Every idea will be looked at with extreme care, and only be dropped  if it is supported with strong reliable scientific evidence. 


I'd like you to time travel and jump back into your childhood. Remember your favorite fiction, Cartoon, Manga. What was the most insane magical beautiful thing you liked about the main character? You admired Son Goku when he was flying didn't you ? You wanted to do the same but your older acquaintances used to mock that. 

In this website, I want you to go back and remember your most insane desires. Enter it in Ideas.
In Dominoes Game anyone can support this idea, by beginning to give procedure examples on how we might be able to make it come true, or refute it, as long as he or she gives arguments supported by scientific evidence, gives specific details about his or her sources, and most importantly, explains it as simply as she or he can.  

When a not-so irrational procedure is proposed, science-it will look for a sponsor for you. And hey, your most insane magical desire might become real.

For further details, see the Tutorial.

ABOUT THE FOUNDER - Oumaïma Houmane

Mathematics and Computer Science student. Aspiring optimist.
Born in Africa, raised in the Middle East, lives in Europe.
Procrastinor when not found working on Science-it.
Scared of butterflies.

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